Friday, February 4, 2011

Welcome to my blog!

I know what you're thinking... Another friend starting a blog for the New Year... Well, not exactly. This isn't a New Year's Resolution. I've just been inspired by so many blogs lately I thought I would try my own. And seriously, why not start a blog? Everyone's doing it!!
I can't really pinpoint what my blog will entail right now. But, what I can tell you is I'm a wife and mommy and I love all the clichés that come with those identities. So, if you're into crafting, cooking and the triumphs of keeping a house and family in check, chances are you might find something here you like.
I'm sure you're wondering  about the term Domestic Engineer... It's just a fancy name for "stay at home mom". In all honesty, I don't need a special title for what I do. You can call me whatever you want, stay at home mom, homemaker, caregiver... I just needed a cute blog name!


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